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Kade Baby Pictures

Pictures of the newborn, plus a few bonus shots.

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Stark 50th Wedding Anniversary

A party in honor of Charles and Marilyn Stark’s 50th Wedding Anniversary.

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Glacier Park

We took Sierra to Glacier and Watertown National Parks and to see Barb and Don Redder in Gillette. The trip included a hike…

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Hana at Cheley

Hana went to Cheley Colorado Camps outside Estes Park during June and July of 2004. At the end of the term, she and…

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Sierra and Hana’s birthdays.

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Lucille McAnally’s 90th Birthday

Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren gather in Norman.

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Sierra’s first trip to Hawaii.

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First Christmas with Sierra and Terra!

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Pet Pictures

Maia, Ralph, Terra and her siblings/parents, Skittles, and Sundae.

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Mt. Meeker

Don climbs Mount Meeker in Rocky Mountain National Park after visiting Hana at Cheley Colorado Camps.

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Sierra Baby Pictures

The New Arrival!

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Nash visit

Steve and Izzy visit Northern California from Houston.